Dogs Getting Started Dog Grooming

How to Groom a Puppy

Puppy grooming and keeping the baby dog spiffy requires more than a quick brushing. Some puppy breeds take more coat care than others, while some may have "drip dry" easy care fur. Puppy grooming not only includes brushing your puppy, but it also can require bathing puppies, dog ear cleaning, eye care, claw clipping, anal gland attention, and even how to brush dogs teeth. These articles offer you all the information you need, including advice for keeping your puppy looking and feeling his or her best.

  • 01 of 10

    How to Prepare Puppies for Grooming

    Groomer with a dog
    Jupiterimages/Digital Vision/Getty Images

    This article offers step by step puppy grooming tips to help your puppy learn to accept handling and get used to grooming equipment. That helps prevent your puppy from feeling scared when she goes to the groomers and even encourages puppies to enjoy the experience.

  • 02 of 10

    Grooming Puppy Coat Types

    Close-up of a poodle
    Mats Silvan/Moment Open/Getty Images

    Different puppy breeds sport distinctive coat types. Grooming requirements vary between these furry examples. This article explains what to expect and prepare for regarding coat care if you have a short slick-furred puppy, one with a thick double coat, a wirehair coat, curly or other types of fur.

  • 03 of 10

    Puppy Fur

    Hungarian komondor sheepdog on snow during winter
    Miça Quartey/EyeEm/Getty Image

    This article explains what puppy fur, the types of hairs in a dog's coat, and how it grows and functions to protect your puppy. Learn about fur, hair, whiskers, growth cycle and more in this article about puppy fur.

  • 04 of 10

    Why Puppies Shed

    Beagle puppy sitting on a dark wooden floor
    sankai/E+/Getty Images

    Do puppies shed? Learn about the process of hair growth and shedding, what prompts shedding, and when, how, and why puppies shed in this article.

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  • 05 of 10

    How To Bathe A Puppy

    Vizsla puppy in a tub
    Jessica Lynn Culver/Moment/Getty Images

    Every puppy at one time or another becomes a bit grubby and can benefit from a bath. This article explains how to bathe a puppy, the cautions you should take, and what breeds might require more bath time than others.

  • 06 of 10

    Removing Skunk Smell

    Dog having a bath
    RyanJLane/E+/Getty Images

    Puppies are curious creatures and if given the opportunity may decide to make friends with a skunk. The resulting skunk smell can be a challenge to eliminate. Many commercial products are available to remove skunk smell. There also is a simple do-it-yourself recipe for creating a de-skunk solution for your skunked puppy. Read this article to learn more about how to remove skunk smell from your puppy.

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    How To Express Anal Glands

    A corgi puppy
    Paul Park/Moment/Getty Images

    Puppy anal glands are located under the dog's tail and provide a signature smell that identifies your puppy to other dogs. This smell is quite pungent and in some puppies can become a stinky problem, or worse. Anal glands normally get expressed during defecation. Sometimes they get clogged though, and need to be manually expressed. Read this article to learn what's involved and how to express anal glands.

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    Grooming Puppy Nails

    A puppy having its nails trimmed

    Sarah M. Golonka/Stockbyte/Getty Images

    Puppy grooming also involves keeping the claws and paws healthy, including nail trims. When puppy nails are allowed to grow too long, they can catch on objects, break or tear, and cause severe pain. Read this article to learn how to clip puppy claws, teach your baby dog to accept the procedure, and prevent claw or nail problems as he grows.

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  • 09 of 10

    How to Safely Clean Ears

    A vet cleaning a puppy's ears

    Image Bank/Getty Images

    Puppy ears should look pink without red or rough skin, smell clean, and only have a small amount of ear wax (if any). Different puppy breeds require various ear care, depending on if the ears are erect (prick) or drop (floppy) and whether they have hair growing in or around the ear. This article explains how to clean your puppy's ears and keep them healthy.

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    Puppy Dental Care and Brushing Teeth

    Portrait of an english bulldog
    Carol Yepes/Moment Open/Getty Images

    Puppy dental care is important because many adult dogs develop tooth problems by age three. Brushing your puppy's teeth is the best way to keep the mouth and teeth healthy and clean, and training him to accept mouth handling can best be done during puppyhood. These articles describe when puppies get their milk teeth and adult teeth, dental problems to watch for, and how to brush your puppy's teeth.

If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet.
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  1. Dog Dental Care and Hygiene. VCA Hospitals.